Popcorn Kids

What’s Poppin with the Popcorn Kids

Christine, Leeanne and Julianna

Christine, Leeanne and Julianna are sisters who are active members of their community, Popcorn kids and good students.

Christine is well rounded and involved in many activities.

Leeanne is a Girl Scout (Cadette) and she has completed her Bronze Award.

Julianna is a Brownie, plays basketball for the Upward League and last year played soccer for Upward.


Malik is a Popcorn kid who loves and participates in many sports, such as soccer, basketball, tennis and golf. Malik only plays golf with his dad. This summer Malik will travel to China with his parents and his brother Max to visit his maternal grandparents. We are looking forward to some great pictures documenting his trip!


Amani is in the 5th grade in New York. She came home from school one day in September and yelled excitedly to her mom that the school was having elections for the Student Body Government. Amani announced, “Mommy I’m going to run for school President.”


Hi, my name is Zoe and I am eight years old. I live in Richmond, Virginia with my mom, dad, and little sister, Katy. I am in the 3rd grade. I love being in third grade and learning a great deal about ancient cultures and cool math tricks.

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